November 2, 2018

Peeks from the Week

It's been a very busy two weeks. Dan has a trial at work so he has had lonnng days in court. This caused some schedule shifting and I covered his Tuesday this week and Mandy was able to come last Thursday as well as yesterday. Thank God for Mandy!

Add to that Kip running a fever last week and basically miserable in the wee hours of the morning due to his first molars coming in. Woof! Brings back memories of the newborn days (but definitely not as bad).

On Monday I took Kip to his first dentist appointment. He hated it but the dentist office was so cute and they had all kinds of things to make it a more pleasant experience for the kids. And we walked there so double bonus!

On Tuesday I really enjoyed my extra day with Kippy. We hit up the new park in the neighborhood and had it all to ourselves because it was a bit chilly.

On Halloween Mandy braved the subways by herself to bring Kippy to my office for afternoon trick-or-treating!! Usually a lot of people bring their kids but this year it was just Kip. He went nuts for all the new things to see and basically ran around the office running into random offices as Mandy and I tried to keep him somewhat contained. He only kept his bear jacket costume on briefly and fortunately a coworker snapped a photo for us.

The subway ride home was a little hairy. It was crowded. Mandy and I had our hands full and Kip was near full meltdown. We made it home in one piece and added that "annoying crying baby on the subway" badge to our record. Dan and I will need to strategize for our upcoming trip to Kansas in December to avoid a repeat.

We were all up with Kip from 2:40 am to about 5:54 am on Thursday morning. We tried everything to get him back to sleep and are all zombie tried now. He graced us with a 4:15 am wake up this morning. Can't wait for these teeth to fully erupt!

This weekend we have a friend's birthday party at the zoo, a time change to manage, the NYC marathon to navigate, and church service duties.

Happy November!!!

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