November 12, 2018

Kippy || 15 Months Old

On Saturday Kippy turned 15 months old!! Fully toddler in every single way. I decided to do these little updates when they correspond with his well check-ups.

Kipling at 15 months
Weight: 25 lbs. 3.2 oz (23 lbs. 3.2 oz. at 12 months) 
Height: 32.20 inches (31 inches at 12 months) 
Personality: Busy and creative

13 months
Learned to blow kisses
Started taking some independent steps
First real bike ride
Started drinking cows milk
Started to enjoy snuggling
Mega appetite (like, huge. full man sized meals)
Started throwing tantrums and showing a stubborn streak
Favorite activity: pushing his ride-on car in the hall or lobby

14 months
Sleep regression and major separation anxiety
Shy in new environments, needing 5-10 minutes to warm-up to new people and places
Stopped nursing (1 year, 5 weeks old)
Started walking!!!
Food pickiness started to show-up a bit. More hesitant with new things.
More vocalization! Sounded like a cave man with grunt-y noises.
Will snuggle on his own or if asked, "snugs with mommy?"
Started playing with trains on the track and really into cars still.
Playing peek-a-boo with himself.
Beginning of his obsession watching Little Baby Bum videos on Netflix.
Favorite activity: putting things into his hamper (Mandy calls it his hide-y hole)

15 months
Started noticing his stuffed animals and giving them kisses
Started shaking his head yes and no when asked questions
Signing "more," "eat," and "please"
Says Dada and Mama (but mostly just Dada)
Recognizes people in photos and voices that are out of sight
Started making car noises when playing
Learned to march in place, especially to music
Knee bopping dancing
Favorite activity: playing with his fire truck and dump truck

At 15 months his day begins between 5 - 6 am. Dan or I get up and change his diaper and bring him into our room for "family bed." He has his milk in a sippy cup while we watch one of his shows and Dan and I get a few more minutes to doze. He goes down for his first nap around 8 am and sleeps for about an hour. His afternoon nap is from 11:30/12 to 1 pm or 2, if you're lucky. After nap he gets some more milk and a snack and then a walk, play at the park, or playtime inside. His evening routine starts at 5 pm with dinner followed by bath, a bit of milk, teeth brushing, and to bed by 6 pm. Lately he has been waking up multiple times in the night from teething and he still hasn't adjusted to the time change. We may be approaching the transition from two naps to one as well.

For the most part, Kippy loves to eat. He had a huge growth spurt at 13 months and ate SO much. Then around 14 months he slowed down and started being hesitant with new foods and refusing others. His favorite foods are applesauce, breakfast bars, cheesy eggs, sandwiches, chips, dried strawberries, yogurt, and pretty much anything crunchy. He also loves to feed us from his plate. He eats breakfast at 7 am. Lunch at 11am, and dinner at 5 pm. A snack or two during the day depending on what we're doing.

Kippy loves to play with his cars, especially the dump truck and fire truck. He also enjoys his play kitchen and train set. He is very creative and independent with his play and entertains himself very easily. He loves music and has his own little way of dancing. His favorite songs are "Wheels on the Bus" and "Happy and You Know It." He enjoys the music class that Mandy takes him to on Wednesday and the story time at the library which Dan takes him to on Tuesdays. He also loves the park and just being able to walk around freely wherever we are.

Kippy baby! Busy boy. We love you SOOO much. You are so much fun and interactive and just the sweetest. Your biggest milestone the last few months is walking of course but my most favorite development is your love for snuggling. When you were tiny you were far too curious to be bothered to relax and snuggle. But now you love to snuggle with me. Just sit on my lap, nuzzle, and lay your head on my shoulder. You even pat my back when I pat yours. It's my MOST favorite and I love that you love it too. Happy 15 months bubbies!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! I LOVE that he pats your back when you pat his!!! He's such a cutie!
