January 5, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesdays: 2016 Re-Introduction

I'm planning on joining Andrea again for her fun Show and Tell Tuesdays link-up. I won't be able to participate in all of them this year since some are meant for moms and, well, sadly I have no babies.  But, I'll join when I can!

Today's prompt is to reintroduce yourself and share any New Years resolutions.

Well, my name is Stephanie and I would describe myself as plain, practical, and perfectionist.   Here is my life in a nutshell:  I grew-up in Denver Colorado with my identical twin sister, Mandy, and my older sister Jessy.

I went to Cornell College in Mount Vernon Iowa and majored in History and minored in Studio Art (for fun).

I graduated into the economic dumps of 2009 so I decided to head to graduate school at NYU and "study" Archives and Public History.  I moved to Bay Ridge Brooklyn the same year I started grad school.  I graduated in 2011 and started working at the 9/11 Museum that same spring.  I've been working at the museum ever since. 

In 2010 I found a local church in my neighborhood and fell for the sweet blonde youth pastor named Dan.  He remained clueless of my affection for two years while we grew closer as friends.  In 2012 he finally asked me out and then a whole snowball of events and nearly two years later we were married in August 2014.

Now we are just growing as a married couple and planning our future together while documenting our adventures here on the blog (now over two years old!)

I love to craft, I like to cook, and my favorite genre of books and movies is crime/thriller.  I am passionate about a clean house and sentimental about the small things in life (like napkin notes).  I love history and I pride myself on my organizational skills.  Also, I tap dance on the side.
So that's me!  I think you have everything you need to steal my identity.  As for resolutions, I don't have any.  I used to be big with resolutions and then there was a stretch of years where I did that "pick a word for the year" thing.  After three years of picking the word "SAVOR" and never quiet having it work out, I decided to give up.  Resolutions are hard and rarely successful.  You come off this holiday high into the bitter cold doldrums of winter and the every day pressures are enough so why create more?  So at the mark of a new year I just try to be a little more motivated in general and expect it to last no more than 2.5 weeks.  But I wish you the best of luck with your resolutions!

I'm looking forward to another year of Show and Tell Tuesdays.  Thanks for stopping-by.

Read all of the 2015 Show and Tell Tuesday posts here


  1. so glad to have met you! this is such a great post! hope you check my blog out as well!

  2. I hear you about loving a clean house! I'm inspired by the napkin notes! I'll have to start sneaking some into my husband's lunch bag!
