June 18, 2024

Weekending it

We are winding down the school year. Kip only has 4 half days left! And we are headed to Cape May for our little family vacation this weekend! Work for me is ramping up even though the rest of life is slowing down. 

The kids finished the soccer season this past weekend. And, in all likelihood, this was also the end of their soccer careers. Kip is insistent he doesn't want to do it again and Ivy won't do anything if he's not doing it. I guess it was fun while it lasted...

We went to lunch afterwards to celebrate Dan, soccer, summer. All of it. It was a new restaurant we had never tried and we all really liked it.

We spent the rest of the weekend doing chores, playing outside, church, and celebrating Father's Day.

Kip and Ivy are truly blessed to have a dad like Dan. He is a good, good man and a natural father. I could not do this parenting gig without him and his sacrificial and servant leadership of our family.

We love you Dan!

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