November 2, 2022

Happy Halloween

It's so strange to have Halloween on a week day, right? I'm so confused about what day it is! And, it's NOVEMBER?!! Whaa?

On Monday, Kip got to wear his costume to school and I arrived at 11:00 to help set-up his class party. Last year Kip was always very anxious on these holiday days and was nervous about what to expect. Now that he has a full year under his belt, he is doing so much better and able to enjoy the festivities much more. He was happy to see me in his class (not the case last year) and his friends were happy to see me too. My fellow room mom this year couldn't come unfortunately because her son got the flu. Ugh! I felt so bad they had to miss out, but I dropped off his party bag ahead of time so hopefully that cheered him up a bit. 

The party started with the full school costume parade around the block. Dan was there to snap pictures. 

Then we returned to the room and had cupcakes and snacks, decorated trick-or-treat bags, made a monster craft and squeezed in about a half a game before it was time to go home. Each kid got a goodie bag and a turn to punch the pumpkin. 

There is never enough time at these parties to do everything planned and it is 100% pure chaos/stress for the adults. But at this age, hopefully none of that matters and it is 100% pure fun for the kids. 

It was wise for the district to do a half day for Halloween. There was just enough time to go home, eat lunch, relax a bit, and then head out for trick-or-treating. Do you love the tulle skirts Terri Mom made for Mandy and me? Lol! Ivy has a matching one but she was all about her kitty costume and not wanting to change.

Dan was super dad.

We took the kids around our side of the loop where all the neighbors know us. Most of them had treat bags just for Kip and Ivy. So sweet. 

Then we met-up with friends to try trick-or-treating by the BIG houses near the water. Can you even handle little Mirabel??? SOOOOOOO cute.

The houses were epic for trick-or-treating. Great decorations and tons of people giving out full size candy! Kip had the best time running around with his friend and we came home two hours later with two full buckets and tired kids. 

 So grateful for the return of fun and festive events and traditions. Hope you had a fabulous holiday too.

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