April 4, 2022

Weekending it

Phew, it's April! We are just waiting for consistently spring warm temperatures so we can ditch the winter coats for good! It's been hectic here lately between the contractors and finishing the bathroom and rolling sicknesses with the kids. Kip missed 9 days of school across the month of March. He has an appointment with the ENT/allergist tomorrow morning to hopefully provide some answers for us. Ivy had a cold, was recovered for approximately two days, and then caught another cold from Kip landing her with her first ear infection. I think she had three separate colds in March! Ugh. Fortunately, for all our sake, she is a trooper and doesn't whine too much.

This weekend Mandy and I got started purging and organizing the garage to get things ready for summer. We are really great at organizing and make a good team. While Mandy and I watched Ivy and tidied, Dan escorted Kip to his second week of swim lessons. I need to do a separate post on the swim lesson situation. It's not going well but we are forcing consistency. 

After Kip's "lesson" he was finally able to redeem a train ride he earned months ago for filling his sticker chart and punch card (also another post). They rode the commuter train towards the city over the bridge just outside of town and went two stops. They missed the next train back so Kip played at a playground while they waited. It was a fun excursion for the boys. 

Despite some rain, we had good outdoor time on Sunday which always speeds the day along and burns the kids energy. 

It never really feels like we do much of anything on the weekends but the fact is we do a lot of "work." Mandy and I do meal planning and grocery shopping and between Saturday and Sunday the whole house gets cleaned and a minimum of 5 loads of laundry get done. Dan is the primary child entertainer on these days when Mandy and I flip the house and do the chores. We are an oiled machine and the system works to keep everything in order. Summer is our season for a reason and we can't wait until it's here. 

This week, I'm trying to get back into an actual in-office schedule since I'm no longer waiting on the contractors availability. Praying the kids can manage more than three consecutive days of being healthy. Keeping our eyes set on Easter and Spring break, just around the corner!!

A little Monday love from my Flower Bull!

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