February 2, 2022

Mid-week Roundup

Time is getting away from me and it's been a busy week.

On Saturday, we got a huge snowstorm with about a foot of snow. The winds were really strong so there was a lot of drifting with some places getting more than a foot and some getting hardly any. Kip was thrilled with the snow and we all got outside a couple of times. The snow was very fluffy so not ideal for snowballs or snowmen, but still fun. We did the best we could.

Kip is such a sensory seeker so snow is a lot of fun for him. He can throw his body in it, roll around, lay on the ground, hit people with it. Ivy is still learning how to play in the snow and she isn't as much of a fan. This snow was really deep for her so I don't blame her for preferring to hang out inside. 

On Sunday, We filled a tray with snow inside at one point so Kip could get his fix and we could avoid suiting everyone up again.


In other news, progress is being made on the bathroom renovation and I'm SO HAPPY. Just, so grateful to get things moving on that project.

I've had three appointments now for my broken tooth/root canal and two more left to go. WHY??? I'd honestly prefer to sit in the dentist chair for 4 hours than have to take multiple days off work for multiple appointments. 

Ivy's new phrase is "NO WAY" and it's so cute in her little sweet voice.

And Marmee is here for a last minute trip!

Kip has two half days at the end of this week for parent teacher conferences so he is thrilled about that.

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