September 9, 2021

Crafty Kip

Kip has never been super into crafts and art related activities. He is much more geared towards building. Drawing and coloring have always seemed to frustrate him and he tends to shut down before he even attempts to execute something. We've always tried to be low-key and low pressure. Holding a pen, using scissors, attempting to draw...we approach it very carefully because of how reactive he can be towards attempting new skills. If he doesn't want to do it he will tell us and we don't force it because that just makes it worse. All this goes into MY nervousness about him starting school. Socially, he is ready. Academically, I'm sure he will be fine. Listening and executing instructions for things like crafts and writing? Eek! I'm hoping the classroom environment and an authority figure that isn't mom, dad, or Mandy will make the difference. We'll see.

A couple of weeks ago I was reading School's First Day of School to Kip. Something about the story got him inspired and he wanted to make the school. I went with it and provided supplies and gentle instruction. He did so well! He used scissors, he glued, he copied drawing, he let me help. All of it! A successful craft and he was so proud. And I was proud too.

Kip is a sensitive little guy and he has hugely high expectations for himself. I hope going to school will help him to let go of those internal pressures and see that learning is fun! I wonder what school crafts he will bring home!

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