December 2, 2020

Weekending it

I am unsure if I will ever feel like I have my head much more above water than just enough to breath. It's not any one thing and probably nothing entirely. I don't know, that's just how it feels at this stage.

Recapping our holiday weekend. It was long and well enjoyed. We've always either hosted my family for Thanksgiving or traveled to Kansas. This year we stayed home and had no visitors. Although we missed family it was nice to not have to manage the anxiety of holiday travel with small kids in the middle of a pandemic. Fortunately, we were able to video call everyone throughout the day and still saw everyone we miss.

We watched the parade (much diminished but still enjoyable) and played all day. Mandy made salmon for dinner since we had celebrated Thanksgiving early...and twice...both when my parents visited and again with Dan's. The salmon was delicious and made special with poppers and a fun sparkling cider drink. Mandy and Kip made a pumpkin pie together earlier in the day which was lovely.

Ivy ate her toe-toes to celebrate turkey day without real food.

That night we decorated the house for Christmas! 

The rest of the weekend we did chores, a bit of shopping, went on walks and generally got less done than I had hoped or planned for myself. Now it's already Wednesday and once again perpetually behind on everything. I'm hoping to get a post up for Friday to share the living room/dining room and our holiday decor. 

Happy December!

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