July 3, 2020

Peeks from the Week

Happy holiday weekend!

Recap of our week.

I don't know what happened on Monday...it was a blur of work calls mixed with nursing mixed with tantrums mixed with stifling heat.

Tuesday was much better. We got out early in the morning for a walk to the garden before the heat of the day made it impossible.

We found a fun little fountain in front of someone's house and Kip LOVED it. So many cute duckies.

In the afternoon we let Kip watch Sesame Street for hours. And, you know, I have no regrets about it. He was so calm and paying attention and Ivy slept well. It was a peaceful day. Thank you Elmo!

We gave Kip an Oreo for the first time as well. It was an epic day for him.

Wednesday was Dan's 35th birthday! I managed to pull off a surprise and make his favorite pull-apart rolls that his mom makes when we go to Kansas. Mandy helped add the eggs and bacon. Dan was really happy.

While Dan was at work we had Kip help get the gifts together and make cupcakes.

By the time Dan got home from work Kip had eaten two cupcakes. He was WILD and could not stand to NOT open Dan's gifts.

Clearly, Kip was very impressed by the tool kit. The only way to distract him from the dangerous objects was to...yep...have another cupcake.

It was kind of a hectic night but Dan still had a good day. I wish I could have planned another city adventure day like he and I usually do to celebrate his birthday but with everything closed and/or not safe, we couldn't. Next year, Dan, we'll make up for it.

Okay, now time for a quick parent survey question.

Any time the partner (not the mom) puts the children down for a nap or bedtime...do the children
a) settle down without a fight
b) fall asleep faster
c) stay asleep longer
d) all of the above

D. The answer is D.

D for Dan...and it is beyond frustrating for me...Mom. And yet, it's sleep so...okay fine.

Today is Friday of a holiday weekend and we have no fun celebratory plans. Boo. But such is life in the time of Covid. But happy Fourth to all of you regardless!!!


  1. Aaron gets the same treatment at bedtime too! Part of me is like "here is your new job." :) The birthday party looks like fun! Kip is such a great kitchen helper.
