May 8, 2020

Peeks from the Week

Big news this week!!! I've been schedule to induce delivery on May 17! That means we are in the less than 10-day countdown to the arrival! I'm equal parts excited and terrified but overall grateful to have a certain date and no more anxiety about going past my due date. And cheers to many answered prayers, things in the city have improved enough that partners are now allowed to return to the hospital during visiting hours while mom and baby are in recovery! There are still plenty of rules and what-not but I'm relieved to know I won't be alone in the hospital for two days.

This week I've been finishing-up stressful work projects, organizing things, and trying to catch-up on some blogging before next week when time will effectively disappear into endless sleepless nights and baby snugs.

On Monday I spent some one-on-one time with Kip. I saved a bunch of his yogurt pouch lids to do some water play. My idea was to have him scoop out by color but he was more into his own thing so I just let him have at it. He played with this set-up for over an hour!! We added shaving cream soap and that extended the play even longer.

On Tuesday it was Kip's little friend's birthday. She lives two floors above us so we dropped a gift at her door and then her mom came down later and dropped off some cupcakes at our door. Kip loved them! Strange little no-contact, no-sight birthday party. It's not like in other parts of the country where parents organize drive-by birthday parades. Here, it's doorbell ditching.

On Wednesday, Mandy and Kip made pumpkin bread for snack!

He really loves helping in the kitchen and we don't do it often so he had a good time.

Retail therapy is a real thing and I'll admit we've totally spoiled Kip during the last two months with extra train tracks and legos to entertain him. It's hard when it's just a click away and you have no other means of entertainment. But, Kip is very appreciative and we know these types of toys really keep his attention.

This weekend we are supposed to get a cold snap. Only 40s on Saturday so we'll probably stay inside the apartment and go for our weekly outing to New Jersey on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. YAYYYY for an induction date and for partners to visit!!!! This is a huge answered prayer, Stephanie, and I'm just so so happy for you! Kip sure is a good chef! Awesome idea on the toy bins with shaving cream. I bet all of my kiddos would enjoy that activity!
