May 12, 2020

Nesting Projects

One thing I really look forward to during pregnancy is the nesting instinct. I had a lot of urges with Kip's pregnancy and we were able to do a ton of them...particularly his bedroom. This time around my urge didn't really appear until late February and, well, we know the world imploded in March and that really put a damper on a lot of ideas I had. Fortunately, I was still able to do a few.

The biggest task we got done was completed literally the weekend before everything shut down. We went to the Container Store and Target and picked-up some organizing essentials. Our front closet was a mess with just a giant tub that contained all our "back stock" cleaning supplies. It was hard to get stuff out and hard to even find things. So we got a shelf and baskets, got rid of a bunch of stuff, and organized everything.



We also got some magnetic containers to organize papers on the fridge.

And put up a magnetic/push pin board to replace the unused chalkboard we had in its place previously.

A few weeks later we swapped some things in our hall around and put up a "family center" on the wall with two baskets and another magnetic board.

We purged Kip's closet and have plans for getting some storage drawers for his craft supplies and games to clear some bookshelf space...but we have to wait for the stores to reopen to finish that task.

We also did some decor updates in Kip's room. I'll share one picture here and will do a better room update post after the baby arrives.

And finally I did a bunch of online shopping for the memory keepsake things we had with Kip that I also want to do with baby sister. I'm a twin so I believe firmly in tit-for-tat and all things being "equal." Since the poor baby is being born in the middle of a pandemic, I want to make sure that doesn't prevent her from having a box of memory items and a baby book and all the other little special newborn projects we did with Kip. I couldn't get everything I wanted on Amazon but I got some things to get us started and I've got my list for when we are able to go back to stores like Hobby Lobby.

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