January 13, 2020

Weekending it

We had a beautiful fake spring weekend with temperatures in the upper 60s. It was so gorgeous and really lifted my mood. But, it was short lived and dropped 30 degree today. Oh well, little tastes are nice.

This weekend we had big boy bed plans! Dan rented a Uhaul and Mandy went with him to IKEA to get a bed and mattress for Kip's room. I stayed home with Kip since I couldn't exactly help with lifting. Mandy and Dan worked to put the bed together while I entertained Kip in the other room. They made a good team and got the bed put together in about 2 hours!

It looks so good. We opted for a twin day bed so that it could function as a seating area still and it has storage drawers which are perfect since the dresser will now be split between two kids. Mandy and I ordered a Beddy bed cover which is like a fitted sheet so it makes for easy bed making especially for a day bed. Kip hasn't slept in it yet (waiting for a bed rail) but he likes it and enjoys laying on it for fun and I'm glad he still gets to sleep in his crib if that's what he wants.

That was our big to-do for Saturday. On Sunday we didn't have to get to church early so we had a nice slow morning and Kip graced us with sleeping in a bit. He has been waking up at 5 am a lot lately so a 7:20 wake-up felt like heaven. Last Sunday was really rough and I was so happy for the nice weather and chance to get to church a little later. But, unfortunately, Kip threw down an epic tantrum when we wouldn't allow him to bang on the piano while worship was happening. He screamed for over 20 minutes and was throwing toys and being awful. We had to leave. It was so loud and disruptive and he wouldn't listen. Dan took him to the car and I headed to the store. Kip eventually passed out. It was a bummer day but this is the life with a two year old.

On the plus side, Dan's football team won and we had more time in the afternoon to get chores done.

Today, the weather is chilly and I'm working on potty training with Kip. Happy Monday!

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