January 6, 2020

Weekending it

This weekend I think I took approximately two photos. Pretty uneventful start to 2020. January - March is our hibernation season and we don't tend to do a lot...except maybe go to the mall. So, many boring weekending it posts ahead!

For Christmas, Mandy gifted me with a sister sleepover/day with her and I decided to take it immediately since I didn't think we could make it work for another month if not now. It was such a treat especially since Kip has been so clingy to me since we got back from Colorado and it's just a lot to be needed so constantly. Anyways, Dan graciously let me go and we had a great time. We stayed up late, slept-in, had brunch at Cheesecake Factory, and then shopped at the mall and Target. Then she drove me home and helped me organize Kip's toys and closet and make room for a soon-to-arrive bed!

Thanks for a great weekend Mandy and for Dan to taking Kip duties!! I'm spoiled.

On Sunday we had a full day of church. It was a bit rough. We had to get there early for Dan to do prayer team and Kip was ready for a nap right when we left the house. I'm really beginning to "feel" pregnant so chasing him around was exhausting. He is in a particularly defiant stage right now and that is no fun.

We did our typical grocery shopping afterwards and Trader Joe's was insane (more than normal insane) and didn't have half of what I needed to get for dinner. Ergh! We got home at 2 pm - all hangry.


Later in the afternoon I had to go to our local grocery store to get everything else we needed and then it took Kip two hours to go to bed compared to normal. He was so over-tired and demanded that I stay in the room until he fell asleep. The whole rest of the night was a scramble. Just not our best day but it's Monday and a fresh start.

Today I'm taking pictures to do an updated Day in the Life post!

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