July 8, 2019

Weekending it

Hello JULY!!

We just got back from our week-long cross-country rainbow tour trip to visit ALL the grandparents. I'll recap our adventures in a couple of posts this week but for today I'll do our typical weekending it post to get back into routine.

Saturday was a full travel day as we were flying back from Colorado. We left for the airport pretty much first thing in the morning and got through security before we realized our flight was delayed. Thank goodness for the moving walkways at the Denver airport, those saved us from some Kip meltdowns, although he had a few since he couldn't climb on the transportation cars used for disabled people. Anyways, we got on our flight and then sat on the tarmac for about 40 minutes so Kip fell asleep before take off and although he took a nice two-hour nap on my lap, half of that was while we were still on the ground. Ugh. Otherwise, we managed fine. He had a few moments of angst but was fairly happy otherwise. Thankfully, Mandy flew back with us so we had a full row and more entertainment/help from her. We got to New York after 6 pm and planned to grab burgers in the terminal before grabbing a cab. That was probably our best idea since none of us had eaten lunch and by the time we got to Brooklyn, it was Kip's bedtime. Mandy helped us unpack everything and we even had time to watch a movie before bed.

We will spend the rest of this week trying to reset Kip's schedule so we figured we could just roll the vacation into Sunday and headed into New Jersey to hang with Mandy for the day. We needed to take her back to NJ anyways so we picked-up sandwiches for a picnic and then spent some time at a park with a splash pad and then dipped our toes in the sand and sea in Perth Amboy. We grabbed ice cream and almost got to listen to a brass band in the park before Kip melted down and we decided to head home.

I love the summer so much that I'm willing to sacrifice routine and naps for the little slice of heaven that summer offers with a ticket to adventure and making memories. We had a great trip visiting family but it's great to be back with so much summer still ahead. The schools here in NYC only got out for summer break 3 weeks ago so it still feels like the beginning of the season!!!

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