July 26, 2019

Peeks from the Week

The heatwave left this week and now it's just pleasantly summery. Yay!

Side note, it's so weird to see all the back to school posts already on social media. In NYC the schools do not get out for summer break until the end of June and do not go back until September. So by the end of July, we still have half the season left. But it's weird because I feel this back to school pressure even though, 1) I'm not in school 2) my child in not in school 3) it's still officially summer here for at least 5 more weeks and 4) I'M NOT IN SCHOOL.

Why does my brain apply anxiety that is entirely irrelevant to my circumstances???

Anyways, trying to ignore the school supplies and get back to the business of summer!!

This week Kip and I stayed inside on Monday since the humidity was still bad. He had some bonding time with his baby doll he calls "Mama."

On Tuesday, Dan took Kip to the library for a bit. Kip loves all the toys there.

Wednesday, Mandy was super brave and took Kip to the Staten Island Zoo solo. This is hard because even though its a 1:1 ratio, Kip is tough. He likes to be free and run around and still appears to have no understanding of dangerous situations. But, they were fine and Kip had fun. Yay Mandy!

Splash Pad with dad on Thursday!

Tonight Dan and I are going to see Ain't Too Proud on Broadway and tomorrow we're all headed to Storybook Land with Kip for a pre birthday treat.

Happy Friday!!!

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