May 10, 2019

Kippy || 21 months

Today Kippy turns 21 months old!! Nine months down and only three to go until the big 2 years old!! It's truly unbelievable.

Kipling at 21 months 
Weight: ??? lbs. (26 lbs. 11.2 oz. at 18 months) 
Height: ??? inches (33.5 inches at 18 months) 
Personality: Bold and confident explorer

19 Months
Early start to the terrible twos. Days of endless tantrums
Canine teeth popping up
First goose egg on his forehead
Bruiser! Constantly hurting himself
New words: Off, dough, box, bowl, bath, Boz, Oody, Go

Favorite activity: watching the cars outside the bedroom window

20 Months
Said a full sentence "I want Mama" (hasn't said it again since...hmph)
Moved-up to size 6 diapers
All canine teeth still coming in
New word: "Bye" pronounced with a bizarre Southern twang
Got his first matchbox cars and is officially obsessed
Learned to run

Favorite activity: walking around the block

21 Months
Figured out his finger fits in his nostril
Major oral needs. Everything is going in the mouth
Finally noticed the stuffed animals on the walls in his bedroom
Can identify his head, belly, toes, and face
Started chewing-up his pacifiers 
Learned to walk backwards
New words: "Hello" pronounced "allo," "bi bu" (big bus)

Favorite activity: going to the park

Kippy is still sleeping 6 am - 6 pm and is taking one nap from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm usually. We'd like the nap to be later in the day but he can barely make it to 10:30 so that's where we're at right now. Still heavily attached to the pacifiers and I'm not sure exactly how to manage that. I'm giving him until 2 until we try to transition off.

Kip goes through picky bouts. When his canine teeth were coming in he flat out refused foods that he used to love like waffles and toast. He likes to make us take bites of things from his plate before he will try something. He does really well at restaurants and his most favorite food is still applesauce pouches.

Kippy is a really big car phase right now. He is pushing some kind of car about 75% of the day. He also likes the train set on account of the wheels. He adores the park and is extremely bold when it comes to play equipment which is very alarming to me and we really have to be right on him to make sure he doesn't walk off a slide. He enjoys his basketball and his play kitchen and, of course, Toy Story. He loves being around other kids, especially big kids. He thinks they are his friends. He is all play all the time and his imagination is really starting to bloom.

I feel like we are getting close to a word explosion but at the moment his speech is still quite small. He babbles nonsense all day but his most frequently used words are Momma, Dada, oh wow, car, bi bu (big bus), and go. He has yet to say yes and no and has only said hello a few times. He is pretty good at bye. He hasn't said Mandy or Mimi (much to my sister's disappointment) and he doesn't say his own name yet. Despite his limited vocabulary he communicates really well with pointing and sign language and directing us to whatever it is he wants. I'm excited for the next few months to see how his talking develops.

I cannot believe he is nearly two years old. This past year went even faster than his first and every day he is growing and changing and it's so fun to witness!

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