March 26, 2019

Weekending it

We are in a really tough stage with Kip right now. It has felt like a 3-day long rolling tantrum the last few days. Holding tight to the hope that is is just a phase and hopefully soon he will have more words to tell us what he wants and needs instead of screaming and thrashing.

On Friday night Dan and I enjoyed at date at the Knicks game. It wasn't a very exciting match but we had a good time. Thanks to Mandy for babysitting!

Saturday Mandy and I took a tantrum filled Kip to Target and Trader Joe's and then in the afternoon we had a play date at a friend's house. We had to leave early due to another meltdown.

Sunday I was serving on brunch team so Dan had to handle poor Kip for hours. It was a hard day all around. No nap didn't help at all. And that evening we both had to wrestle Kip to eat dinner and take a bath. It was really overwhelming.

Spring is nearly here and we'll get through this stage. Right?


  1. I am right there with you. I am clinging to the knowledge that it's a phase.

  2. You can make it : ) Keep your chin up. Someday you'll look back and miss this. (Well maybe not the tantrums but you know what I mean. This age)
