July 3, 2024

Fun Day

Continuing the end of the school year wrap-up, a couple of weeks ago Kip had his Fun Day at school. For the last two years I got to help with the event as a class parent. This year, since I was not the class parent for his class, I did not get to follow his class around and participate in all the activities. Instead, I arrived the the school yard early the morning and help with set-up and then I was put in charge of the monitoring the bounce houses for the rest of the day. 

Fortunately, the bounce houses are everyone's favorite and luckily for me, no one got seriously hurt on my watch. 

And I was able to see Kip and his friends throughout the day and snagged some photos for myself. 

Another mom friend shared some photos with me. 

Kip had a blast and I did too. I think it may have been more fun getting to see all the kids instead of just his class. Many of Kip's former classmates from kinder and pre-k remembered me and said hi. That was sweet.

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