January 24, 2023

Weekending it

A little update.

Mandy and I took Ivy to the podiatrist on Friday. She did really well considering we had a long wait to get a room and see the doctor. 

Unfortunately, Mandy and I felt really defeated after the appointment because, yet again, we have a doctor fully acknowledge the problem we see and yet give us no solution or support. Basically, "she has low muscle tone and that causes her to pronate when she walks." Nothing will fix the problem. And even more invalidating, "I've seen worse." Mandy and I tried to advocate for something that would give Ivy the stability she needs not so much to fix the problem but to prevent it from causing other problems like alignment or future foot/back pain. Nothing is proactive!!! It's all reactive. "Oh well come back when she starts to complain of pain and we can do something about it." UGH. Am I grateful it isn't something more significant? Yes, absolutely, but that doesn't mean it's not worth some support.

So, now I'm looking into pediatric PT for Ivy to get another assessment. Maybe you think, clearly this issue isn't an issue if everyone is dismissing you. But, no. It's mother's intuition. Ivy is over  2 1/2 and she cannot run or jump and both her feet fall inward when she walks. I've been telling doctor after doctor since she was an infant that something is off with her gross motor development and everyone agrees but then does nothing about it but pass us off.

Okay, anyways, moving on. We made pizza for dinner and the kids loved helping.

Kip is doing great in Level 3 swim. He is the only one in his class so it's basically a private lesson for the cost of a group lesson. It is challenging for him which is great since it is pushing him to progress. 

More forts.


And snuggles.

Kip is home sick today. Selah.

1 comment:

  1. Keep after it! Follow your instincts. At some point you’ll find a pediatric person who will listen to you. Be the squeaky wheel. Be the pain in someone’s butt. Ivy needs you to fight for her. Keep it up Mama! At some point someone will listen. Until then keep yelling to be heard. Keep up the good work!
