January 6, 2023

Peeks from Winter Break

It was a bit odd to have the holiday over a weekend but it left a full work week in between Christmas and New Years. This year I took the entire week off from work which I don't think I've ever done and I might just do it forevermore. It was wonderful to be at home with nowhere to go and not a lot to do. Did we get bored at times? Sure, but all that hustle was over and I was able to just focus on connection. 

We played with all our new toys, especially our fort kit from Santa. And see those while balls on the couch in the photo below? Those are indoor snowballs that Grandma got the family and they are EPIC. The kids and adults all loved running around throwing snowballs.

Picnic in the fort.

The weather warmed and we made it to the playground a couple of times.

Mandy and I took the kids to a diner for lunch one day and Kip got a "kid's menu" burger the size of his face.

We managed a dozen loads of laundry, tidied up the house, put away the Christmas decorations, and refreshed everything for the New Year!

On New Years we had our traditional apps-travaganza dinner and took pictures in our dollar store glasses.

We squeezed in a trip to Target for the kids where we acquired yet more toys.

When we were kids we always got two weeks off for winter break. It seems like most of the country still gets that. Our district had one week for "fall" break two weeks before Thanksgiving and then the week between Christmas and New Years for "winter" break. I was worried it was going to feel too short, but by Tuesday, Kip was excited to go back to school and I was feeling refreshed to return to work. 

There were plenty of disappointments about the holiday season overall (never-ending sickness being the biggest), but the winter break somehow landed in our favor and we had an overall nice time. Now, for those winter doldrums we all dread...and potty training!

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