January 9, 2023

Sweet Scenes

I'm scared of losing these little moments, or catching them less and less. I'm trying my best.

A castle for the crew

Ivy's excitement for painting ornaments

This is what Kip does when he pretends to have a mustache. Lol!

Grandma sent us home from Kansas at Thanksgiving with these fun diner sheets with food stickers. The kids made a restaurant!

JJ on the steps with a hot dog--a composition.

Burrito baby,

These robots were made by Dan and the kids, another Highlights High Five magazine craft that was far too difficult for a child to complete, ha! Naturally, Kip wanted to make them immediately which means Dan made them under Kip's direction.

Mandy and the kids made a Duplo Lego movie theater.

Kip is moving up to level 3 in swim lessons. He is not quite swimming independently yet but his confidence is growing.

Ivy has been really into the play kitchen and play food lately...and making a massive mess.

Snowball eyes!

Interesting fake mustache placement...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Stephanie. The photos make me laugh!! Love you
