March 17, 2021

Ivy | 10 Months Old

Ivy is 10 months old today. In a blink she will be a year, and that is just wild!

Ivy at 10 Months
Weight: 19 lbs. 4 oz. (15 lbs. 4 oz. at six months)
Height: 29.8 inches (27.4 inches inches six months)
Personality: sensitive and excitable

Being outside
Digging in and dumping out baskets 
The ball pit
Fancy Nancy theme music
Cuddles and being held
Attention from Kip

The doctor's office
Any stranger touching her
Any time she gets a little scolded or Kip yells at her
Size 4 diapers
12-18 months clothes (she had a big growth spurt)
0-3 month shoes (tiny feet!) 
Fleece sleep sack

I feel like Ivy was an itty bitty thing for so long. I tiny pixie pie. Now she is a tall girl with the most delicious and squishy rolls. I gotta squeeze her she is so irresistible!

Things I want to remember about Ivy at 10 months:
The way she sneezes once every morning after I turn the light on
Her little flappy wave
How she crosses her ankles when she sits on the floor
The way she spins around on her booty and moves along the floor scooting
Trying to pull up on furniture 
Dancing to Fancy Nancy
How she bounces her feet in her stroller bunting
How excited she gets in her highchair 
The way she lifts her left leg straight in the air and grabs her foot while nursing
Her "da da da da" noises
The way she lays her head on the table


I'm slowing trying to come to terms with the fact that Ivy is likely a "low sleep needs" baby which means she needs the minimum amount of sleep for the average baby her age. This month we seemed to get a good flow for her naps but she is consistently waking up at 5 am. From 6:00 pm - 5:00 am, she gets approximately 11 hours of night time sleep with 1-2 night time wakings/feed. On average, her naps amount to two and half hours of day time sleep. She is clocking about 14 hours of sleep or just shy of that. Kip was closer to 16 hours at this age. Sigh. I accept she will likely drop to one nap around her birthday and will probably lose naps entirely before age two. Kip just dropped his nap at nearly 3 1/2 and he still needs that nap in my opinion. Part of our sleep deprived issue is neither kid is sleeping through the night. Kip wakes up 1-5 times a night (dang, I miss that paci). Dan takes the Kip wake-ups and I take Ivy's but we are both roused from our sleep in either case. We moved Ivy's crib to the other side of her room and added another sound machine in the hall to try and prevent Kip and Ivy from waking each other up. Jury still out on whether it works. I thank God for coffee. Who knows how Dan is surviving without caffeine? 

On the plus side, the time change was of little consequence since the clock said 6 am when Ivy woke up at "5." We will all sleep eventually, right? Like, soon?? Please tell me yes.

Ivy is getting much better at solids. She is biting and chewing well and swallowing solid foods instead of holding them in her mouth and pocketing it in her cheeks and roof of her mouth. She devours blueberries and seems partial to sweet flavored things, like fruit and yogurt. She still really loves purees but doing better at picking food up small bites and feeding herself. The other day she picked out all the peas in her leftovers and ate them all. She LOVES Bamba snacks the most. 
I love nursing Ivy and I'm grateful it has been a smooth journey, but beginning this month I'm going to try and start weaning her off random BF snacks and getting better about setting a schedule. Then I'll drop one bf feed at a time and moving to a sippy cup. I would like her weaned by her birthday. I'm not strict about the date but I don't want to carry on much longer after she is a year. I'm hoping that maybe weaning will address that midnight wakings. Someone with experience, please tell me otherwise!

Ivy is so fun to watch play. I feel like she is so different compared to Kip when he was this age. She loves to pull baskets over and dump things out. She seems to have a plan or process in mind for what she is doing, although we don't know what that is! This month Grandma and Grandpa set a bag of balls for Easter and I opened them early. We put them in the play pen and both Ivy and Kip love laying in it. Great contained toy for sure! She loves all of Kip's toys (LEGOs, trains, magnatiles) but she also seems curious about dolls and she was really into the play tea set she got for Christmas. She loves musical toys and shaking rattles and is pretty great at stacking rings. 

We are approaching the end of the baby seats and jumper toys phase and I'm thinking soon she will either start crawling (she seems ready but gets really frustrated) OR she may move right to cruising/walking!!

This month felt really fast but uneventful. We didn't do much of anything really. Although the rest of the world seems to have moved on, we still very much feel trapped in the pandemic lifestyle. The only place Ivy went this month was to the doctor. She hated every second of it. She has a lot of separation anxiety and stranger danger. She loves being held and always in sight of someone from her crew. Despite her limited exposure to a lot of people, she is very social with us. She babbles, waves, is interactive on FaceTime phone calls with family, and is already refusing to be pushed around by Kip. I'm so excited to see how she changes these next two months as we inch closer to the end of her baby year and head straight into the wild west of toddlerhood!

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