November 2, 2020

Weekending it - Halloween

I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween weekend. It was a weird way to celebrate for us but I think we all still enjoyed the opportunity to do something out of the ordinary.

Kip cooperated with his costume for 2 minutes which was enough time to get a photo. Ivy was his companion "ticket to ride." 

Ivy was oblivious to her first Halloween. Remember when Kip was a bagel? Cheers to Aunt Mandy for her felt baby costumes!

Although our neighborhood looks like a really fun place to trick-or-treat, we decided to stay at home and do an indoor pumpkin hunt for Kip, similar to the Easter Egg hunt we did in April. He has only trick-or-treated once before and fortunately he didn't really remember it so it wasn't a disappointment for him to miss out this year.
We stuffed the mini plastic pumpkin jack-o-lanterns with some of Kip's favorite Sour Patch Kids and Fruit Snacks and he ran around the living room looking for them. We also had a special toy which were two candy train cars for his Thomas "tiny trains." He had fun. 

For dinner I made festive mummy dogs, apples and caramel dip, and 'pumpkin' sweet potato tater tots for dinner.
After the kids were in bed we finished watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It was a fun night.

We've had really cold and rainy weather here lately which has felt like a real kick after such a short mild fall. Hoping for more sunny days before winter truly arrives. Can you believe it's already November?

Other highlights from this weekend - Ivy sat in her high chair and tried banana for the first time!


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