December 17, 2019

Weekending it

This time next week we will be in Colorado to celebrate Christmas!! This month went by so quickly and I wish we had had more merry and cheer instead of hustle and bustle. But one thing I love about keeping-up with this blog is being able to look back on our week or weekend and see that we did indeed have some fun buried in with all the chores and running around.

This weekend Kip was pretty miserable with his cold and had a hard time sleeping with his stuffy nose. He hasn't had a cold in awhile so I think he forgot how to just deal. He has ended up in our bed at 3 am for the last several nights which left us all feeling tired. His nap on Saturday was a bust so Dan and I decided to head to NJ and hope he slept in the car. Nope. He cried the whole way saying "Nini hou" which translates to "Mandy's house." He loves going to Mandy's apartment so as soon as we got there he cheered right up. In the afternoon we went to a cute little train show at a local church. It was just the right size for him and they had a fun activity to spot various characters like Olaf and Buzz and Woody. We enjoyed it and it kept Kip happy for a bit.

Sunday Kip was still sick so I stayed home with him and Dan went to church since he was volunteering in the youth class. He sent me pictures of their activity and I have to say, I really miss seeing scenes like this.

Dan and I did youth together for a long time and sometimes I get sad to think about how great Dan is as a youth pastor and how I miss that he isn't doing it like he/we would like. But, fortunately he still gets to volunteer in the class and maybe some day he will be back at it in a more formal way.

Yesterday Kip took a 4 hour nap for me and it was bliss. He is feeling better and we are all grateful. Now we are doing a lot of toddler tantrum damage control after a week of giving him whatever he wanted. This morning was rough.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Kippy feels better soon, I’m sure you’re all exhausted. Safe travels to Colorado. Merry Christmas! We love you all.
