December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving Recap

We're back from Thanksgiving in Kansas. It's snowing outside. I have Christmas Spirit in the diffuser and Christmas music playing!! It's exciting but also, Thanksgiving was so late this year it feels like a bit of a scramble now to get all the Christmas shopping done and end-of-the year wrap-ups! Still trying to savor the season.

But, for today, I'm sharing a recap of our Thanksgiving with Dan's side of the family!

The trip started off fine but something about the sensory overload of the airport sent Kip into hyper toddler mode and he was a real beast. Fortunately, the terminal has a little play area and we rode the escalators about 10 times.

This was the first flight that Kip had his own seat and we opted to put him in his car seat in the middle of us. It worked out well and he slept during take off and stayed fairly well entertained during the flight. There was a family sitting behind us who also had a two year old boy and the poor kid was throwing-up the whole flight. We gave them our spare outfit of Kip's since they had no more clean clothes with them. I felt really bad for his parents having to deal with that and I don't think I would have handled it so well. Gosh, there is nothing like being trapped in a confined space with a sick kid. Anxiety spike!

After we landed we headed to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa and then headed to their house where we were greeted by Baby!! Kippy LOVES Baby and wanted to play with her immediately.

And Grandma got Kip a matchbox car transporter!!! He was totally wowed.

On Wednesday, Kip was in rare toddler form and threw fits constantly. Dan and I decided it must be all the space and new toys and being out of routine. I feel like it took us most of the day to get him to stop screeching. We took him to the playground at the local school in the afternoon and that seemed to help the most.

Aunt Judy, Aunt Kandi, and Kourtney came in the afternoon and Kippy helped make the pecan pie!

On Thanksgiving, Kippy woke up to see Aunt Lauren and Uncle Sam and their dog Ember. Kip really wanted to play with Ember as well. It was a tough lesson to try and swallow when both Baby and Ember refused to "play cars" with Kip. He just couldn't understand even after sharing his cars they were not interested. Ha!

It was a full house on Thanksgiving and Terri Mom did such an amazing and beautiful job hosting the whole family. Dan and I had to tail Kip most of the day but we both got a few good shots.

On Friday we headed to Elsmore to hang out with Aunt Judy, Aunt Kandi, and cousin Kourtney. We saw the kitties outside and tried to play cars with Tinker Bell who was also not interested in playing. So Kip settled to play cars and dolls with Aunt Judy which was more fun anyways.

And they let him take Great Grandpa's tractor back to Grandma's house. He was in love with that vehicle.

We packed-up and said our goodbyes on Saturday afternoon.

The flight home seemed so much faster even though Kip did not sleep at all. Fortunately, he was content to watch Frozen (without sound) for the umpteenth time that week.

On Sunday we stayed home and reset for the busy week ahead.

Some other fun things to remember from this trip. Kip is not used to seeing swing sets in backyards. There are not a lot of fences either so anytime we walked by a yard with a swing set in it, Kip would shout "playground!" and expect to be able to go over and play on it.

We also went hunting for trains several times. Dan and I would walk with Kip to the railroad tracks and we'd wait for a big train to go by. We caught several which made us all happy.

Also on this trip, Kip's toddler attitude exploded as did his language. He was saying so many new things and repeating everything and having practically full conversations. Developmental leap for sure which may have been part of the reason for the tantrums as well.

Overall, it was really great trip and wonderful holiday. Thanks for everything Grandma and Grandpa!!

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