November 1, 2019

Peeks from the Week

I haven't done a Peeks from the Week in awhile simply because most of our days are pretty dull and boring. But, I guess, sometimes it's nice to document the mundane.

This week I took Kip to the park on Monday. It's sort of sad now with all the leaves falling from the trees and that there are so few kids at the park when we go since everyone is at school. Kip had a blast throwing a tiny tennis ball with a little itty bitty dog at the park. I didn't get a photo of it but he was so excited the dog was playing with him. The rest of the time he played with his cars and did the swings.

New play station while I do dinner prep.

Dan and Kip were stuck inside on Tuesday since it was wet at all the playgrounds. Tuesday night we had our Table Group over and I made BBQ pulled pork.

Mandy and Kip were also stuck inside on Wednesday. Wednesday night was a rough night of sleep for Kip. I think he might be teething with those pesky back molars because he was inconsolable. I got him out of bed and he went into the living room and took the blanket off the couch and then carried it back into his room and tucked himself in on the futon bed where I occasionally sleep. He wanted to sleep with me on the futon. I said no and took him back to his crib. Dan had to lay on the floor and hold Kip's hand through the railing to get him to calm down. Eventually Dan left and I came in to say goodnight. I said, "night night Kippy. I love you." And he replied "love you."

GAAA!!!! Melt my heart it was the first time he ever said "love you" and I have been dreaming about that since he was a newborn! Those words were hard earned two+ years of waiting and I will remember that moment forever even though he continued to wake-up throughout the night and destroy our sleep. I love that little monkey.

Thursday, naturally, Kip was a mega crab all day. But, Dan did end up taking him out for trick-or-treating which Kip loved.

Dan said most people knew he was Woody but a few people just thought he was a plain cowboy and some older people thought he was Will Rodgers. Hmm...okay?

Happy weekend!

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