June 9, 2016

Moving Day?

Life is crazy chaotic right now.  All my plans to make this stupid move smooth and seamless?  Ha! Truly, by this point in my life I should just except it. STOP MAKING PLANS. And STOP OVER COMMITTING.

Sometimes I think God likes to trick teach me by throwing me into situations that amp-up my anxiety level like nothing else and then throw in some more curve balls. He should stop that. I never learn anything from those lessons because as soon as I dust myself off from chaos I continue to march on my merry way into dreamland where I make perfect and beautiful plans, convinced it will all happen exactly as I say.  If we get our routine back in place before the end of summer, it will be a gift from God.

Since I don't want to deal with life right now I'll just leave with cute pictures of the kitties in sunny Kansas.

That right there is Peach Fuzz, or Peaches for short.  I loved him the most. 

Oh for the love of!

Oof!  That's cute baby Philip.  He was a charmer too.

Ahh, to be a kitty...

1 comment:

  1. Cute kitties! Can't wait to see pictures of your new place!
