May 1, 2014

Is this just me?

I usually have a lot of dreams at night and the majority of the time they are anxiety dreams.  Basically something I am worried about plays out in a dream sequence.  A lot of times they are extreme versions of what I am worried about like I'm envious of a girl at work and her beautiful hair (true story) and in the dream this girl says something really cruel to me about how ugly I am and I get fired for having bad hair.  I mean, come on, that would never happen but that's how my anxiety dreams work.

At the beginning of our relationship I used to have a lot of dreams with Dan in them.  And he was always mean.  Always.  I remember one dream where I was carrying a huge stack of books and Dan told one of the teenagers at church to chuck a football at me.  All the books collapsed and Dan stood there laughing.  I woke up from the dream and I was actually pissed at Dan for something he did to me IN A DREAM!  I think I had so many dreams about him being mean to me because, well, Dan is never mean so I was having to work through the anxiety of anticipating him being mean.  Silly.  I haven't had a mean Dan dream in awhile...don't know what that's about.

My active mind also has a wild daydream life.  Especially the past few months when I've had to stand around a lot at work and my idle mind slips in and out of reality.  Most of my daydreams are me completing something I need to do like composing an email in my head or having a conversation at work.  These daydreams are so vivid (especially when I'm dozing on the train) that when I come back to reality I have convinced myself that I actually wrote the email or had the conversation.  This happens so much that on occasion I'll say to someone "remember we talked about such n such..." and they are like, "umm no we never did that."  Then I get all confused and have to replay the daydream in my mind to confirm that it was bogus.  It's complicated.

I tell you all of this because the wedding is a highly visited event in my anxiety dreams and in my work-through-it daydreams.  

Most recently I had an anxiety dream that it was the wedding day and I still had no shoes.  My mom was mad at me for leaving it until the last minute and I snarled back that I planned on wearing flip flops the whole time.  So there I was walking down the aisle with flip flops on and bare toes trying to be all "I meant to do this" while Mandy and Jessy had beautifully manicured toes and cute peep-toe shoes.  There was a lot of sister envy tension in that dream too...

In a daydream from today I had made a playlist on iTunes will all the prelude and postlude songs to play during the ceremony and I even had everything timed out and spaced.  It was such a relief to get that out of the way.  Phew!  Then I came back to reality and I was thoroughly disappointed that I did NOT actually complete that task in real life. 

Please tell me I'm not the only person that this happens to...

Anyways, that's my story for the day.  I'll leave you with a silly picture of Dan and Stowaway

1 comment:

  1. You are, without a doubt, one of my most favorite people in the WORLD...... I love you, and I won't let you get married in flip flops (unless you want to, in which case I will be in (slightly) uglier flip flops.:) )
