May 23, 2014


You know senior-itis?  It's that thing you get when you are a month or so away from graduating high school or college and you simply cannot muster any motivation to do any work or put any effort into required tasks. Yeah, I have that only with my apartment.

Dan and I will be getting a place together soon!  He will move in at the beginning of August and I will move in after the wedding.  We don't even have the place yet and we can't even start looking but I remind Dan that I want a new apartment.  Why?  because I hate mine and I am so over it.

I have lived in this same apartment for nearly 5 years and it has served me well.  I invested in its decor and made it a really lovely and cozy home.  But I'm tired of it.  Super tired.  The walls are white and are therefore dirty, like soot covered (okay so maybe that was my fault but that doesn't mean I have to accept it!).   The kitchen is TOO SMALL.  I have a 12 inch square amount of counter space.  There is no hood vent so your bedsheets smell like whatever you cook.  Why?  Because it is a studio and the bed/couch is in the kitchen.  The microwave is practically on the floor and the bathroom has this odd wet concrete smell that I can't figure out where it is coming from.  Also the room is not square, the walls are angled and that really irks my OCD tendencies. 

Because the new apartment is SO CLOSE I have no motivation to keep things nice and invest in my current place.  Normally I would scrub the tub and dust fanatically, I would by a new bedspread  or re-arrange the furniture.  But now I just don't want to invest energy in making it lovely because I want to start fresh.

Rather than tolerating my current living space I have retreated to the magical realms of the dream world.  I have imaginary floor plans drawn out (this is dangerous, my friends, if I don't have a a wall cut out that allows you to see from the kitchen into the living space it will mess up my whole plan!)

We have pre-purchased items that I feared would not be available by the time we move.  It was a good thing we did this because see that super soft sunflower yellow blanket in that pic?  Yeah, it is now discontinued. 

I have spent hours on Pinterest collecting ideas and drawing artwork for the walls

And let me tell you, the wedding registry could be my career.  Making lists of things for people to buy you?  Hello, heaven!

Mandy has collected Christmas decorations for us awaiting a space for us to put them and she has made custom request felt garlands and decorated frames for pre-selected room colors.  She is so crafty.  Isn't that amazing...those are handmade felt flowers!

All of this is super fun for me but also makes it terribly difficult to concentrate on anything other than creating a home for Dan and me and difficult to tolerate anything related to my current apartment.  Beer me strength for the next three months. 

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