January 17, 2025

Dragons and Other Beasts

Kip has FINALLY gotten into drawing independently. 

Look at the epic masterpieces:

Kip still has a full fist pencil/pen hold that we have not been able to resolve. 

When he is at school or doing homework he uses a plastic grip on this pencil that forces him to hold the pencil correctly. As a result, he has very nice penmanship. 

BUT, if he doesn't use the grip aid (like when using markers) he reverts to a fist hold and that's what causes that broad coloring strokes in his artwork. I've searched the internet high and low and spoken to all his teachers through the years about how he holds a pencil. Everything is mixed about it, on one side the internet says it must be fixed or can lead to later problems with writing frustration and endurance. On the other end his teachers say, so long as the writing is legible it's not a big deal right now and it doesn't qualify him for OT. They don't have the time to work on it with him in class. I'm in the camp of just letting it be. His handwriting is nice and he uses the grip when writing so that helps with practice. We do what we can, but, I'm not going to force it when he is just having fun and being creative. Fastest way to shut Kip down is to critique him. 

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