December 8, 2021

Sweet Scenes

I'm grateful for phones with photos to snap quick shots of fleeting moments. I don't feel like I capture everything I wish I could or my phone is out of reach when something really sweet happens, but I'll take what I can get.

Kip was playing "bake off" and Ivy was pretending like she knew what that was...

This is Kip's signature pose. He has been doing it since about age two. His Pre-k teacher is also a yoga instructor so he calls this yoga.

Early Christmas gift from Marmee and Poppa. A baby high chair for the little Mama.

We were waiting for her 18 month shots and she fell asleep on me. My little lovey snuggle bug.

This sweet cheeks has the biggest sweet tooth. Give her a lolli or a popsicle any time of day and she is happy. 

Kip's sweet handwriting and little drawing!! I can't even! The cutest!

Auntie Jess lent Kip her Harry Potter collection while she trots around the globe. We aren't reading them to him yet but he likes to look at them.

One weekend morning Kip woke up with an idea to make Ivy a special breakfast and fully executed this with only a little help. He ended up making one for each of us.

Ivy likes to pretend that she wants to go to school. Backpack, mask, all set!

Monkey See, Monkey Do.

Gosh I love these two!

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