August 2, 2020

Weekending it

I'll refrain from being super negative about the state of the world right now. I'll just say our well planned plans for the weekend did not happen at all. It was a huge disappointment. But instead of wasting away the weekend by melting in the still sweltering heat, we made other plans.

On Saturday Mandy and Dan went to Ikea in New Jersey. Stock at Ikea in our area is super low so they had to go to one an hour away to get a few items we needed. I stayed in Brooklyn with Kip and Ivy since I'm the one with the boob juice and there is simply no point in taking the kids anywhere where they can't get out of the car. Fortunately, we had a good day. Kip and I had fun and neither of us were throwing tantrums and Ivy took good naps.

Mandy and Dan got everything on their list so it was a good day even though it wasn't the one we hoped to have. Mandy stayed the night and gave Dan and I a quick date opportunity. We grabbed my favorite bubble tea and went for a walk in the neighborhood.

On Sunday, to make up for the fact that I'd been stuck inside for the week due to the heat, we all went over to New Jersey. The idea was to check out a park that we had seen back in April from the movie theater parking lot where we hung out when the parks were closed during quarantine. It was tricky to get there driving but once we did, it was HUGE and hardly anyone was there. As soon as we stepped outside of the car we realized why no one was there. It felt like a swamp in hell. SO HOT and humid. We had checked the weather before coming and it said 80s which is cold compared to our upper 90 days the rest of the week. Well, we didn't check the humidity and that was rough. We could barely stand it. We ate our lunch in the shade and let Kip walk his scooter around for a bit and I caved and let him play on the playground.

Kip has not been on a playground since March. It's been so sad all these months to explain to him why he couldn't go. But at this particular park, no one was there and we gave him firm rules. He had to wear his mask, he had to use hand sanitizer as soon as we were done playing, he could NOT take off his own mask, and he wasn't allowed to play with any other kids. He was so excited to go on the equipment. I will not let him do this in Brooklyn because the parks are crowded and most kids do not wear masks. And mostly because he has a really, really hard time not touching his face and putting his fingers in his mouth. But because of the mask I was willing to let him try. He did so well and listened great and ultimately he didn't play long because it was so hot and the slides were a million degrees. He was happy just to be there and it only took a year of my life away in stress so there's that.

We got Sonic slushes to cool down and actually got Kip is own for the first time. He was pretty pleased with himself.

This is my last week of maternity leave and I'm really sad about that. Nothing we had hoped to do during this time has happened. I'm so, so grateful I got 12 weeks to bond with Ivy and I am glad that returning to work right now is still working from home. But, when Dan and I were family planning last summer we specifically attempted to conceive in late August in order to have a spring baby so we could really have a fun family summer in 2020. Ugh, sorry, I'm getting negative again. It's just, Covid aside, the heat this year has really turned me off. This might be the first year, EVER, that I fall for fall.

Oh, and happy August.

1 comment:

  1. Happy August! I can't believe we'll have a couple of three year olds this month! Kip looks so proud of his slushie!
