March 4, 2025

Sweet Scenes

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I literally have nothing to share!

Here are some photos of some sweet captures lately. 

King Kip on this throne

Random toy creation. Evidence of play.

Kip sipping on my morning coffee while he tries to convince Ivy it's "sour."

Cute little gatorade tea party

Kip working on writing his series of dragon stories every night while I read to him before bed.

This "city" that has taken over the living room for the last month. Kip insists on it being kept up, just like his old wooden trains that used to fill this space.

Ivy got these super fun pop beads from Aunt Judy and Aunt Kandi for Christmas. They are lots of fun!

Our attempts to get Ivy to sort and give away just a few of her stuffies. It was a struggle.

A little pancake that accidentally looked like a little bunny

Kip plastered the walls of his bedroom with drawings of dragons and robots.

A quick picture I snagged of Kip delivering a special Valentine to his best friend. 

Wet-hair don't care. Take any picture of me when my babies are fighting over my lap.

More city...

And some name writing 

And the cutest picture Ivy drew of Harry Potter to give to Kip's teacher. She did the drawing and Kip did the writing.