Maturity really took off this year and we are beginning to see glimmers of rationality, regulation, and reason and that's incredible to witness. The feral toddler stage really does lead to a human child emerging. LOL! But in all seriousness, as adorable as those little tyke years are, it's a whole other realm of parental joy to have legitimate conversations with your growing child, see their personality forming, their interests shifting, and their natural gifts expanding. The future isn't marked by growth milestones (like potty training and dropping naps) but rather unique hopes and dreams and genuine independence. The tether stretches farther and their world becomes their own instead of exclusively just a part of yours.
August 9, 2024
Kip || 7 Years Old
TOMORROW Kip turns SEVEN YEARS OLD!!!! I distinctly remember when I turned seven and I just can't believe our curious little baby is now a big kid.
Kipling 7 Years
Weight: 52.4 lbs. (46.12 lbs. at 6 years)
Height: 48 inches (45.47 in. at 6 years)
Personality: Whip smart and imaginative
Milestones in the last 6 months:
Lost first baby teeth
"Graduated" first grade
Started taking showers
Independent swimming (without a floatie)
Independently reading chapter books
Kip finished first grade strong with exceptional "grades" exceeding standards in reading, math, social studies, science, and language. He meets standards in writing (gotta work on those backwards d b and g). School comes easy for him but the work ethic is still growing. I think sometimes exercising that challenge muscle can be tough for kids who otherwise acquire skills very quickly. For independent reading, Kip enjoys non-fiction books about space, or the ocean, or animals. He also loved the Dragon Master series that he and I read together this past spring. We started reading Narnia but that was a little too "out there" for him to be able to read or follow. We'll try again another time. This fall we will try out the Fire Hawk series.
We are fortunate that we've never had to worry about Kip's social skills. He is very talkative and confident and has always been a magnet for others kids. It's super remarkable to watch. He shows up at a playground and kids of all ages gravitate to him. This happened even when he was a tiny toddler. Somehow kids see him as a leader and just instinctively know he'll be down to play. He makes games up, includes other people, and never seems tied down (except by Ivy...). Boys and girls, older and younger - it doesn't matter, Kip ends up leading the pack. As an introvert myself, I'm a bit baffled by it having never, ever experienced that myself. But I am grateful for him to be accepted and received by offering nothing except his genuine self. As we approach the upper elementary years when peer pressure and cliques start to root, I hope he remains true to himself and classmates and other kids continue to see him as a friend to all.
Right now Kip is still into dragons and robots and now we've expanded his fantasy world into the galaxy of Star Wars. We held off showing Kip the movies for a long time because of the violence but we just let that go this past spring since all of his friends (and Dan) know and love Star Wars. Kip took to it fast and furiously. We all enjoy watching Mandalorian together and he is loving all the Star Wars branding on back to school clothes options. After going to Legoland recently, he is now into Ninjago as well which I'd been trying to get him interested in for awhile since it combines ninjas and dragons and Legos. Well, like most things for Kip, he will not be convinced to do or try anything unless it is on his own terms. But, after the Ninjago ride at Legoland, Kip is hooked and changed a ton of his birthday list ideas into Ninjago sets. So we are still on the Lego kick.
Kip has always had an ever expansive imagination and easily creates his
own worlds. He still enjoys anything involving building like Magnatiles and even still regularly
builds with Duplos. Kip participated in a robotics day camp this past week which has fueled his already growing interest in building robots.
Kip loves being active and running around and especially loves the interactive "brain breaks" on Youtube. He isn't a sporty kid, although he has the potential to be athletic. His perfectionism and competitive nature make losing at sports or not being "as good" as other kids really frustrating for him. Rather than it motivating him to practice or work harder, he'd just rather not participate. We aren't forcing it, for now, so Kip has opted out of soccer or basketball (the two sports he tried). He is still very interested in going to Ninja Gym as that environment is not competitive. He is also still in swim lessons which is a non-negotiable for us. It's a life skill.
Things I want to remember about Kip at this age:
The way he says "defnly" (definitely)
Star Wars/Mandalorian
"web-ins" (weapons)
Going to spy camp and robotics camp this summer
Building Smashling ships
Picking his own books at the library
Back into Bakugans
Dressing himself in the morning and picking his own outfits
Writing in his journal
His tender care-taking of Ivy and trying to help her when she gets upset
I remember seven being a fun year for me and I hope it is for Kip too. He is smart and wise beyond his years but he is still very much just a kid. He
still has the cutest voice, the biggest personality, the sweetest
innocence, and most sensitive soul. We love him SO MUCH and are so
grateful to be a part of his world. Enjoy your birthday Buddy!!!
Happy Birthday, Kip!