Ivy turned five months old on Saturday! I cannot believe in one months time she will be half a year old. Crazy. We were talking the other day about how bizarre this year has been and it feels like everything after March just evaporated. Like, time dissolved. It makes me sad to think that so much of Ivy's initial start to life is so clouded by the events in the world. But, I guess, it's a pretty epic self history for her as well and an "interesting fact" she may pull out during a job interview or an ice breaker or something.
Ivy at Five Months
Weight: no well visit this month (13 lbs. at four months)
Height: no well visit this month (25 inches four months)
Personality: sensitive and sweet
BATHS - still her absolute favorite
Stroller rides
Any and all teether toys. Kip was not into sticking things in his mouth. Ivy grabs anything and tries to GET.IT.IN.THERE!
Being held
Sitting up
Music! She enjoys a strong beat
Not being held
Being left alone
Losing sight of people in the room
Being laid down
Not being snuggled for a sufficient amount of time after a nap
Diaper changes
I think if I was to guess Ivy's love language at this age, it would be physical touch. She wants someone near her or holding her at all times.
About to size up to size 3 diapers
3-6 month clothing and some 6 month pieces
She is getting some squishy rolls but still a little peanut compared to Kip at this same age
We transitioned her from the Swaddle Up to the Nested Bean sleep sack
Things I want to remember about Ivy at five months old:
They way she kicks and splashes in the tub. So animated.
How she will grab your hand or arm if you place it on her chest at night to help settle her
Her fuzzy hair growing in so quickly
Her beat-red face effort to try and crunch to sit up
The way she snuggles into my chest for a rare snuggle nap
Attempting to put her foot in her mouth
The way she moans herself to sleep when overtired
How she puts her hands behind her head to sleep (a result of the Swaddle up for so many months)
Stroller naps
The way she will wail like a banshee for almost no reason at all. Quite dramatic.
How loud and opinionated she is
How she almost never stops making some sort of noise during the day
Her delightful squishy thighs
Ugh. Can we just not talk about sleep? This month was the worst for us with Ivy's night time sleep. I feel like we were so spoiled with how well she slept as a newborn and how she was sleeping through the night at around 2 months old. Then it went south this month. At the beginning of September I had a really hectic week at work and one random night Ivy woke up at 4 am and I fed her. I thought it was a one-off but every subsequent night that week she woke up at 4 am. Since I as so overwhelmed with work stuff I just let it slide. But then it kept sliding. In a few weeks she was waking 2-4 times in the night and I would have to nurse her back to sleep. In an effort to break the habit we moved her from the bassinet next to our bed all the way down the hall to her crib in her own room. Then we switched her to be arms free in case she rolled. Didn't help. So I spent money to purchase a sleep training plan online. We haven't officially implemented the plan but I've tried to stop nursing her in the night. Instead I will go into her room and put her paci back and put my hand by her head or on her chest to help settle her. This takes a bit of time and sometimes it doesn't work and I end up rocking her to sleep or even nursing her. I feel like it is slowly getting better but we aren't there yet as some nights are still bad. We also switched her to a Nested Bean sleep sack to imitate the hand on the chest sensation. She likes it but it wasn't a cure-all.
She is napping 30 minutes almost exclusively. I have nothing good to say about that so we'll leave it there. Basically, a bad month for sleep. Supposedly 5 months old get better. Cross your fingers and toes and pray for that!

Ivy nurses on demand throughout the day and usually eats every two hours. She also takes a pumped milk bottle and has taken some formula as well when I don't have any freshly pumped available. We usually only bottle feed when I have a work call when she wants to eat or if I go out to the store or something on the weekend. I do not have an oversupply this time around. If she doesn't nurse in the night I am able to get an extra bottle to feed but if not, I have to pump when she eats or I won't have anything for the next feed. It is certainly different than with Kip when I had milk coming out of my ears. Ivy is still spitting-up a lot but I feel like it is getting a teeny tiny bit better, depending on the day. She is also very intrigued by our food so our pediatrician said we could start giving her tastes. She tried unsweetened apple sauce so far and loved it.
Ivy loves a good teether toy. This month we put together her sit-up seat, bouncer activity center, and new spin activity center. So far, she doesn't like any of them for more than a minute and all of them make her spit-up. She wants to be upright but still doesn't have the core strength to sit independently. She will take any attention anyone gives her and LOVES when Kip gets down on her level and "plays." She has tried to roll over many times but can't quite get all the way there. She will roll back if you help her roll forward.

Oh little Ivy, this month was wild. You grew out of your bassinet, bouncer chair, and swaddle and have transitioned to your crib in your own room! Such a big girl! You found your feet and you may be cutting your first tooth (remains to be fully seen). You have given us a few giggles but you aren't laughing fully yet. As for adventures, you went to two pumpkin patches and that's it. You love to be held and IN on the action but you also appreciate some quiet moments to snuggle. You are a Mama's girl and seem to be more introverted than your brother. You have a raging scream that frightens anyone who hears it. You're loud and proud and may grow into a little chatterbox based on how much "talking" you do now. We love you baby girl! Now give us some sleep!!!!